Languages, Systems, and Data Seminar (Winter 2025)

Time: Fridays, noon - 1:05pm (PT)
Location: The Internet / The LSD Lab (Engineering 2, Room 398)
Organizers: Lindsey Kuper, Tyler Sorensen, Reese Levine, and Gan Shen

The Languages, Systems, and Data Seminar meets weekly to discuss interesting topics in the areas of programming languages, systems, databases, formal methods, security, software engineering, verification, architecture, and beyond. Our goal is to encourage interactions and discussions between students, researchers, and faculty with interests in these areas. The seminar is open to everyone interested. Participating UCSC students should register for the 2-credit course CSE 280O (let the organizers know if you’re an undergrad and need a permission code).

For winter 2025, we will continue to host the LSD Seminar in a hybrid fashion. Anyone can attend on Zoom, and local folks can gather in person in the lab. Speakers can join either in person or on Zoom, whichever is convenient.

Talks will be advertised on the ucsc-lsd-seminar-announce (for anyone) and lsd-group (for UCSC-affiliated people) mailing lists.

Date Speaker Title
Jan. 10 Social Hour! NA
Jan. 17 Mako Bates Choreographic Programming in theory and practice
Jan. 24 Tim Goodwin TBD
Jan. 31 Yan Tong TBD
Feb. 7 Roy Shadmon TBD
Feb. 14 Jubi Taneja TBD
Feb. 21 Mahita Nagabhiru TBD
Feb. 28 Phong Le TBD
March 7 Amanda Xu TBD
March 14 Abtin Molavi TBD

Jan. 10

Social Hour!

Jan. 17

Speaker: Mako Bates

Title: Choreographic Programming in theory and practice

Abstract: Writing systems of concurrently executing programs is difficult: they can behave (and fail) in unexpected ways because of race conditions and deadlocks. When we talk about what we want these systems to do, we often tell “Alice & Bob” stories to describe the intended protocol. The fundamental idea of choreographic programming is that we can write real software that same way: as a single thread of activity described from a “3rd-party omniscient” perspective. Research on choreographic programming evolved out of formal protocol-specification methods over a decade ago, but systems that can actually be used to write software (e.g. Choral, HasChor, and MultiChor) are only a couple years old. My team and I have developed several such implementations with novel type-directed correctness guarantees. In this talk I will present a summary of our own work as well as a review of other relevant cutting-edge systems.

Bio: Mako Bates is a PhD candidate at the University of Vermont, advised by Joseph Near. He has done research and development of choreographic programming systems, secure multi-party computation, and differential privacy. Prior to starting his PhD, he worked in industry for several years.

Jan. 24

Speaker: Tim Goodwin

Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

Bio: TBD

Jan. 31

Speaker: Yan Tong

Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

Bio: TBD

Feb. 7

Speaker: Roy Shadmon

Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

Bio: TBD

Feb. 14

Speaker: Jubi Taneja

Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

Bio: TBD

Feb. 21

Speaker: Mahita Nagabhiru

Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

Bio: TBD

Feb. 28

Speaker: Phong Le

Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

Bio: TBD

March 7

Speaker: Amanda Xu

Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

Bio: TBD

March 14

Speaker: Abtin Molavi

Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

Bio: TBD
