
Projector is responsible for performing the end-point projection and executing the choreography.

Creating a Projector

To create a Projector, you need to provide the target location and the transport.

fn main() {
extern crate chorus_lib;
use chorus_lib::transport::local::{LocalTransport, LocalTransportChannelBuilder};
use chorus_lib::core::{ChoreographyLocation, Projector, LocationSet};
struct Alice;
struct Bob;
let transport_channel = LocalTransportChannelBuilder::new().with(Alice).with(Bob).build();
let alice_transport = LocalTransport::new(Alice, transport_channel.clone());
let projector = Projector::new(Alice, alice_transport);

Notice that the Projector is parameterized by its target location type. You will need one projector for each location to execute choreography.

Executing a Choreography

To execute a choreography, you need to call the epp_and_run method on the Projector instance. The epp_and_run method takes a choreography, performs the end-point projection, and executes the choreography.

fn main() {
extern crate chorus_lib;
use chorus_lib::transport::local::{LocalTransport, LocalTransportChannelBuilder};
use chorus_lib::core::{ChoreographyLocation, Projector, Choreography, ChoreoOp, LocationSet};
let transport_channel = LocalTransportChannelBuilder::new().with(Alice).with(Bob).build();
let alice_transport = LocalTransport::new(Alice, transport_channel.clone());
struct Alice;
struct Bob;
struct HelloWorldChoreography;
impl Choreography for HelloWorldChoreography {
    type L = LocationSet!(Alice);
    fn run(self, op: &impl ChoreoOp<Self::L>) {
let projector = Projector::new(Alice, alice_transport);

If the choreography has a return value, the epp_and_run method will return the value. We will discuss the return values in the Input and Output section.